Union Pension and Retirement Plans for Harbor Truckers

The good news? Those harbor truckers who are under union have a big plus when it comes to planning on retirement. Here’s how joining a union can help secure your financial future with well-structured pension and retirement plans: 1. Defined-Benefit Pension Plans Today many harbor truckers unions provide their workers with defined-benefit pension schemes. These […]

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3. Safer Working Conditions

This is because unions promote the approval of safe working environment to protect their members while performing their duties. They engage employers to come up with safety measures as well as offering a undertaking to assist drivers to minimize on the railways. Example: It will also show that unions can demand the best equipment including […]

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4. Training certifications and Programs

Trade unions usually offer its members with an opportunity to get training for purposes of career enhancement. Some of these programs are the professional guiding programs, certification programs and learning programs that may cover proper handling of certain products, safety training and classes meant to train drivers on how to maintain and even repair their […]

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2. Job Security and Protections

Trade unions also justify that employees get fair treatment at workplaces and have protection from unfair dismissal. Truckers for instance realize that they cannot be fired from their workplaces even if they are part of a union. It also guarantees that the establishments in the trucking business follow the working conditions and contract as agreed […]

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