3. Employment Protection Measures and Prevention

Union jobs are also offered better workplace rights most of the time. It very significant that this harbor
trucking industry is full of risks but the unions provide a vital input into the safety aspects of the working
environment. Basic human rights that are often provided in union contracts or demands are those to do
with safety, reasonable working hours and no exploitation.

Thus, non union jobs may pose less safety and work conditions. Drivers may be forced to work for long
hours, or in other conditions they consider undesirable if there is no union protecting their rights. It is,
however, important to realize they are not all unsafe; nonetheless, driving without a union leaves drivers open to working under unsafe conditions.

4. Flexibility and Independence

Some of the benefits of non-union jobs contain, flexibility. Non union drivers are likely to exercise
independence in matters of their working schedules and bargaining power is individualized.
This freedom may be desirable if you would like to manage your accounts distantly or if you like the opportunity to discuss how much you would get paid for certain cases individually.

Whereas union jobs are more often times more routinized and less flexible. Under this system
you’ll be confined to working according to your collective bargaining agreement and this may
hinder your working hours or the tasks conducted. But this could be a trade often worthwhile for the extra security as well as perks accompanied by unions.

5. Union Dues and Fees

Union jobs involve being compelled to join a union and to contribute union dues for the support of
the union’s work, litigation, and bargaining. These dues are few percent of your pay check and can
really build up significantly over the months or years. That is why some drivers deem it as a
disadvantage for the same reason; depending on the overall assessment of the cost and benefits.

The union has an advantage that non-union drivers will not have to part with their union dues implying that they earn more than union drivers. But what they gain in reduced dues, they may lose in extra trips to the hospitals or else in lost retirement benefits.


2.Harbor Truckers Union Pension and Retirement Plans: What You Need to Know

Sustaining concerning your long-term financial plans is especially important if you are a harbor trucker. Given that the work is physically onerous, having a good pension and retirement plan will go a long way toward fashioning an enjoyable post-work lifestyle. This is one of the major benefits of joining a union getting well structured pension and retirement plans. However, what these plans also provide, and the work prospects for people choosing a non-union option, have not been all too well defined.

Uncertainty in Retirement Planning

For many harbor truckers preparing for retirement can feel imposing. Little hours, irregular shifts, and the rat race to earn a decent amount of money today often don’t spare much time or thought for tomorrow. Self-employed truckers, therefore, may not be able to join the employer-provided retirement saving schemes that can guarantee them adequate sums for retirement. In addition, even those who are presently saving have no well-articulated programs to guide their retirement planning, and therefore they have doubts as to whether their retirement funds would be adequate to sustain the expected lifestyle.

The failure to have a good pension or retirement plan means you have to rely on your own pocket or Social Security and you find out that you cannot sustain yourself financially when you are out of the workforce.